
I seem to suck at soccer

Publicerad 2009-03-11 21:11:04 i

I seem to suck at soccer, at least according to the video that I just watched.

I am having a downer. I am sick, but I have to go to school tomorrow anyway because it is my turn lead the PE lesson.
Hopefully it will go alright. I am worried about it even though I seem calm. Being calm is actually a part of the problem. I am the opposite of loud. When it comes to attention, I hate it. I get uncomfortable and insecure. I really need to work on that. Om ändå lektionen hade varit på engelska. Då hade jag känt mig betydligt säkrare. Då hade det varit på min hemmaplan.

But the d in downer has to do with the fact that no one calls me anymore, (or text!). It feels like I always am the one who calls. They all used to call me. I miss it, i miss you all!!

Sometimes I get the feeling that people would describe me as boring, maybe I am...


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Design och product development engineering student. Right now doing a year abroad in the Finnish capital. Coffee, the Swedish West coast and creative projects make me happy. I love film festivals and do some filming and video editing myself.

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