
Why you should do laundry early on a Saturday morning.

Publicerad 2013-04-27 10:14:00 i Dagens bild

All four machines are available...
 ..and you get to use the best dryer :D
In the student complex where I live we do not have a booking system for the Machines in the laundry room. You just show up and hope for the best. Sundays are usually not a good day to do laundry beacuse you have to beat your neighbours to it. Weekdays between 5 and 10 is the same. I like it though, it is like a sport, half tactics and half luck. Plus it is nice not be bounded to a specific time that you need to keep track of!


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Design och product development engineering student. Right now doing a year abroad in the Finnish capital. Coffee, the Swedish West coast and creative projects make me happy. I love film festivals and do some filming and video editing myself.

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