International food frenzy!
Today I teamed up with my Swedish speaking Finnish friend Monica and went to an evend called World Dinner. We called us Nordic Duo. Haha :P Everyone was supposed to prepare something and then we mingled around and tried each others dishes. . I did a misstake though, after filling my plate once I sat down. And while I was sitting a lot of exciting dishes were finished. I still got more than plenty though. It was a nice event.

Monica and I decided to bring two kinds of pancakes because the last time we met we started talking about pancakes. I told her that it was strange to me to have a thick pancake together with the Thursday pea soup, and we both reaslised that we have different definitions of the Swedish word Pannkaka. What I call pannkaka she calls plättar. So I ended up cooking what I call plättar. I guess that she calls that plättar too?

Plate nr 1, clockwise from the top: chicken stir fry, Korean rice and kimchi roll, filled crêpe with cheese and mushroom, Indian lentils, a red spicy Ethiopian sauce with cottage cheese and grey bread, Some kind of dumpling filled with chicken, Finnish rye bread with a Salmon-röra.

Plate nr 2: Left over tiramisu, Finnish blueberry cobbler, Indian dhal, pasta with pesto, two different Indian vegatables mixes, pumpkin soup, Slovakian dough with a plum in the middle dipped in kvarg, Finnish bun with suger and nuts.