Publicerad 2014-05-25 04:22:00 i Dagens bild
A beautiful sunrise in Kaato. Thank you Speksi and Thank you Finland. Great way to end the semester!
Publicerad 2014-05-24 11:28:24 i Dagens bild
Second to last school related thing accomplished!! Only three days left in Finland. Trying to enjoy my favorite Finland thing a little extra. For example these carrot pies.
Publicerad 2014-05-20 17:42:00 i Dagens bild

Fun and inspireing
Publicerad 2014-05-19 14:31:00 i Dagens bild
Off course I loocked myself out a third time during my last week. Expensive habit.
Publicerad 2014-05-18 16:01:00 i Dagens bild
Publicerad 2014-05-17 16:09:00 i Dagens bild
Publicerad 2014-05-16 21:08:00 i Dagens bild

Almost ready for the exhibition early Friday morning.

During the exhibition we gave the visitors the full user experience by presenting both our product and the service concept around it. There was an reception desk, a small airplane cabin and finally our room with the unit.
After spending the past nine months togehter and two past weeks almost constantly together, finalizing the prototype and the exhibition space, it is hard to believe that it is over. What now? I am really going to miss working with this group of people.
Publicerad 2014-05-13 22:22:56 i Dagens bild
Our exhibition space is slowly coming together and so is our prototype. I test slept in it last night after a long day at Design Factory. Now we got ventilation, speakers and almost a door :)
Publicerad 2014-05-04 21:56:00 i Dagens bild
The cottage trip Erik invited our projct group to turned out to be more of a mansion trip when he took us to his amazing family home. The house was buit by his great great grandfather and had stayed in the family ever since. Like all Finnish homes there was a sauna. This time it was in a separate building next to the sea. The sauna was more equivalent in size to what I would call a cottage ;)
Publicerad 2014-05-04 01:19:42 i Dagens bild
Remember this?
Now there is nothing left because we needed the material for our final prototype. Less than two weeks left until the PDP Gala. Busy times! Great group of people to share the workload with :)
Publicerad 2014-05-01 20:40:24 i Dagens bild
The Finnish Valborg - Student life high light of the year. It is celebration of Spring and Labor day combined. They have been talking about this event ever since I arrived the first week of September. And I have to agree Vappu is something special. The atmospere has been very cheerful for over a week but especially the past three days. It is a noticeble contrast to the normal more reserved and careful Finnish style. The whole city has really come to life. Both young and old have been wearing there student caps and overalls and if not owning any of those, something else festive. For example a baloon :D
The drink Sima (mead) and pastry munkki (sugar donut) are Vappu specialties.
Publicerad 2014-04-30 10:10:00 i Dagens bild
Publicerad 2014-04-14 13:55:20 i Dagens bild
Since last night I have been in Lapperanta. We are here to perform the last Speksi show. It feels a bit like an end of an era. Joining Teekkarispeki was my best decision this year. It has been a great way to immerse with Finnish student life.
Lapperanta is enough east to only have street names in one language. In both Helsinki and Turku there is Finnish on top and Swedish below. Sometimes it is confusing when you only know one of the names. But the translation is usually direct so I have actually learned some Finnish words that way :)
Publicerad 2014-04-09 00:24:00 i Dagens bild
This was probably the 7th time that I saw the Speksi show. Still enjoying it! I am amazed with the energy and effort that is put into the show. I feel proud to be a part of it.This weekend the final two shows will take place. One in Turku and one in Lapperanta. If I understood it correctly the tour bus leaves from Otaniemi campus at 5:30(!) Saturday morning.
Publicerad 2014-04-07 08:07:00 i Dagens bild
My home university, Linköpings Universitet, has an Instagram account where one student is in charge each week. About a month ago I was asked if it was something that I would like to do. I said sure so this week it is my turn. Hopefully I will be able to figure it out. I just downloaded Instagram to my phone. Tune in at
liu_student to see this week's Helsinki/Aalto student life in pictures.